97 Calls for Submissions in July 2021 - Paying markets
This July there are eight dozen calls for submissions. All of these are paying markets, and none charge submission fees. As always, every genre, style, and form is wanted, from short stories to poetry to essays.
Jolly Horror Press: Executive Dread. Genre: Stories of workplace horror. Payment: $.005 per word. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
I post calls for submissions on the first day of every month. But as I am collecting them, I post them on my page, Calls for Submissions. You can get a jump on next month's calls for submissions by checking that page periodically throughout the month. (I only post paying markets.)
Also see Paying Markets for hundreds of paying markets arranged by form and genre.
Happy submitting!
(Image: Sand sculpture by Japanese artist Toshihiko Hosaka.)
Flash Point Science Fiction. Genre: Speculative fiction stories from 100 to 1,000 words in length. "Send us your science fiction, fantasy, slipstream, and everything in between, so long as it’s short." Payment: $15. Deadline: Opens July 1.
Antimony and Elder Lace Press: Stonewall Detective Tales. Genre: Thriller/Mystery. Word Count: 1,000-7,500 words. “One or more of your MAIN characters (protagonist, antagonist, major supporting character) must identify as a member of the LGBTQiA communities. They can be open, closeted, somewhere between, flamboyant, a teddy bear, troll, etc. We just need to make sure that a reader can recognize, and identify the character as such. We are not looking for stereotypical caricatures. We are looking for reality.” Payment: $0.01 per word and a percentage of royalties. Payment made upon publication. Deadline: July 1, 2021.
Mud Season Review. Genre: Poetry, Fiction, CNF. Payment: $50. Deadline: July 1, 2021.
Temz Review. Genre: Poetry and prose up to 10,000 words. Payment: $20. Deadline: July 1, 2021.
ArabLit Quarterly. Genre: Fiction,poetry, and nonfiction translated from Arabic on theme of Football. No, not the American kind. Payment: $15/page. Deadline: Pitches due July 1, 2021.
Thema: Watch the Birdie! Genre: Fiction, poetry, and art on theme: Watch the Birdie! Payment: $10-$25 for short fiction and artwork, $10 for poetry. Deadline: July 1, 2021. Accepts reprints.
The Zodiac Killers Series. Genre: Thriller. Length: 5000-10,000 words, excluding title. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: July 1, 2021.
Curiouser. Genre: Poetry and short fiction up to 5,000 words. "Stories that excite, that break the boundary between real and unreal. Experimentation and surreal ways of looking at the world we live in will be looked upon fondly. Horror, magic realism, speculative fiction and streams of consciousness are welcome." Payment: $25-40 per poem, and from $50-140 for short prose (all dollar amounts are Australian). International authors get reduced payment. Deadline: July 1, 2021.
Buckmxn Story Service is a snail-mail subscription of ten short stories, with one story delivered each week via the United States Postal Service. Genre: Fiction and CNF up to 5,000 words. Payment: $120. Deadline: July 4, 2021.
Constelación is a quarterly speculative fiction bilingual magazine, publishing stories in both Spanish and English. Writers can submit their stories in either language. Fifty percent of the stories we publish in every issue will be from authors from the Caribbean, Latin America, and their diaspora. Genre: Speculative fiction. Payment: 8 cents/word. Deadline: July 1, 2021. See themes.
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores. Genre: Speculative stories. Payment: 6 cents/word for original work. 2 cents/word for reprints. Deadline: July 2, 2021.
The Periodical, Forlorn: Mythos Reborn. Genre: "Stories that give us a unique take on mythological figures and characters from all the cultures of the world. Retell a classic tale from a minor character's perspective. Reintroduce us to a story lost to the ages. Or invent your own mythology." Payment: $15. Deadline: July 2, 2021.
Cast of Wonders. Genre: YA Speculative fiction. Seasonal Holiday submissions // Special Events Podcast. Payment: $.08/word for original fiction of any length (yes, including flash!). For reprints, a $100 flat rate for Short Fiction, and a $20 flat rate for Flash Fiction. Deadline: July 3, 2021.
Enchanted Conversation: A Fairy Tale Magazine. Genre: Fairy tales, and essays on theme of “Healers, Midwives and Cunning Folk.” Payment: $100. US dollars only. Essays: $50. Deadline: July 3, 2021.
Havok. Genre: Flash fiction 300 - 1,000 words on theme of CREATOR / EXPLORER. Payment: Pays for anthologies only. Deadline: July 4, 2021. See accepted genres.
Maine Review. Genre: Fiction, poetry, nonfiction. Payment: $25. Deadline: Free submissions until July 4, 2021.
Going Down Swinging: The Fake Issue. Genre: Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, comics, plays, creative collabs and more. "We are inviting all imposters to send Going Down Swinging their fakest work. Poser writers are invited to embrace the contradictions of this bogus and unreal era." Payment: $200-$300 (AUD) Deadline: July 4, 2021.
Space and Time. Genre: Science fiction, fantasy, horror, steampunk, magical realism. Payment: 1 cent/word. Deadline: July 4, 2021.
Vesper: Night Sky. Genre: Poetic prose (up to 1,500 words) or poetry (up to 50 verses) on the theme of Night. Payment: €40/piece and a complimentary copy of the issue. Deadline: July 5, 2021.
Fairy Tale Review. Genre: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art. See themes. Payment: $50. Deadline: July 6, 2021.
midnight & indigo. Restrictions: Open to Black women writers. Genre: Horror and speculative fiction. Payment: $50 - $75. Deadline: July 11, 2021.
Writer Shed Press. Genre: Fiction, creative nonfiction, personal essays, and poetry that is directly or loosely linked to the theme of SECOND THOUGHTS. All prose should be no more than 2000 words. Payment: $20. Deadline: July 15, 2021.
Eerie River Publishing. Genre: Novels, novellas and potential novella series in horror. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: July 16, 2021.
Scum. Genre: Feminist-friendly work of any variety, but as a general rule your piece should be under 2000 words (50 lines for poetry, max. 3 poems) and able to be classified as “fiction”, “culture”, “memoir”, “column”, “poetry”, and/or “review”. Payment: $60 AUD. Deadline: July 7, 2021. Opens to submissions on July 1.
Fantasy Magazine. Genre: Fantasy short stories, flash fiction, poetry. Payment: 8 cents per word for original short stories and flash fiction. $40 per poem. Deadline: July 7, 2021. Opens to submissions on July 1.
Augur Magazine: Joyful Imaginations. Restrictions: Creators who are Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, Disabled, and/or Trans, who are also Canadian citizens/permanent residents and/or who are living within the settler-defined borders of the land colonially known as Canada. Genre: dream-touched realism, slipstream, fabulism, magical realism (note: educate yourself before you claim this term) and, for lack of a better descriptor, “literary” speculative fiction. Payment: $0.11 cents (CAD) per word for short fiction (1000+ words), and a flat fee of $110.00 per flash fiction piece (1000 words and under). Deadline: July 7, 2021.
Epoch Press. Genre: Poetry, art, CNF. Theme: Transition. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: July 8, 2021.
Dark Dispatch. Genre: Dark fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and crime short stories on theme: Deadly Love. Payment: $10 - $50 depending on length. (2 sentences - 5,000 words.) Deadline: July 9, 2021.
Clare Wade is looking for article pitches by disabled and chronically ill authors, editors & agents for The Disability Issue of @thebookseller Commissioned articles will be paid £120/500 words. "If you have an idea, send me a 50 word pitch, plus a short bio and a list of any work you’ve had published." Email disabledauthors@gmail.com. Deadline: July 9, 2021.
Unsettling Reads. Genre: Crime, Mystery, Noir, Suspense, and/or Thriller genres (and their associated sub-genres) on theme of Autumn. Payment: $20. Deadline: July 11, 2021.
Elevator Stories. Genre: Fiction, CNF, memoir, or personal essay that is 3000 words or less and follows the theme Pride. Bravery, pride, and the magnificent self. Payment: $20. Deadline: July 11, 2021.
Fireside Magazine. Genre: Short fiction up to 3,000 words and poems. "Hal would especially love to see work loosely themed around science and technology: the joy of discovery, the systemic barriers in place that prevent equal access to advanced knowledge, and how new tools and machines can both empower and disenfranchise marginalized voices. Don’t limit yourself to strictly future settings or science fiction — think broadly in terms of any method or system that explores the world through experimentation, such as an ancient sorcerer investigating rules of magic." Payment: 12.5 cents/word. Deadline: July 11, 2021.
Shoreline of Infinity. Genre: Science fiction, fantasy. Disabled and/or neurodivergent writers only. Payment: £10/1000 words. Deadline: July 13, 2021.
Dose of Dread. Genre: General horror flash fiction. Preference for dread-inducing stories. Length: 500 - 1,000 words. Payment: $10. Deadline: July 15, 2021.
Apex Magazine Indigenous Futurists. Restrictions: Open to writers who identify as Indigenous from any part of the world. Genre; Speculative fiction. Payment: $.08 per word up to 7,500 words. Minimum of $50. Deadline: July 15, 2021.
Untethered Anthology. Genre: Stories about horses, magic, and magic horses—unicorns, winged horses, horses, donkeys, zebras… basically anything in the Equus genus will do. Payment: $25. Deadline: July 15, 2021.
Islandia. Restrictions: Preference is given to residents of Florida & the Caribbean but Islandia considers written work and visual art with strong ties to the region. Genre: Poetry, art, and prose on themes of : MYTH, FOLKLORE, HISTORY, ECOLOGY, CRYPTOZOOLOGY, AND THE PARANORMAL. Payment: Pay for poetry and visual art begins at $50 and for prose submissions at $100. Deadline: July 15, 2021.
Liquid Imagination: Silver Pen. Genre: Speculative fiction, poetry. Payment: $3 - $8. Deadline: July 15, 2021.
Thuya Poetry Review. Genre: Poetry. Payment: "Nominal." Deadline: July 15, 2021.
Jaggery, a DesiLit arts and literature journal, "connects South Asian diasporic writers and homeland writers; we also welcome non-South Asians with a deep and thoughtful connection to South Asian countries, who bring their own intersecting perspectives to the conversation. (By South Asia we mean Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, The Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka." Genre: Fiction, CNF, poetry, art, reviews. Payment: $100 for fiction, $25 for nonfiction/poetry/art/reviews. Deadline: July 15, 2021.
LUPERCALIA press will showcase art and writing by trans and queer creators that focuses on themes of transgender and queer sex/sexuality/excess/celebration. "We do not have any strict definition of how trans or queer manifests in your personal identity, nor do we want to be gatekeepers. If you say you are trans or queer, we believe and accept that in you." Genre: Fiction, poetry, chapbooks, visual art. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: July 15, 2021.
Inclusive Future Magazine. Restrictions: Open to trans, nonbinary, and genderqueer artists and writers. Genre: Speculative prose, poetry, and art in the guise of a pop culture magazine from the future. While your submission does not have to be about gender, it definitely needs to contain elements that make it gender-inclusive. Payment: Prose: 8¢ (USD) a word with a minimum payment of $25 per contributor for previously unpublished prose and 4¢ a word with a minimum payment of $10 per contributor for reprints. Poetry: $1 (USD) a line for previously unpublished poems and 50¢ per line for a reprint, with a minimum payment of $25. Deadline: July 15, 2021.
Mythulu: Horror vs Hemophobia. Genre: Short stories, nonfiction, art, comics. "This issue explores the ethics of gore in literature. Bring your fighting words and debate either side." Payment: 4-8 cents per word. Deadline: July 15, 2021. Pitches only.
The Cellar Door: Woodland Terrors. Genre: Horror/thriller stories that take place in or near the woods. Payment: $25. Deadline: July 15, 2021.
Catapult. Genre: Flash fiction, short stories. Payment: $200. Deadline: July 16, 2021.
Frost Zone. Genre: Horror short stories. THEME for this issue: Halloween and Holiday Horrors. Payment: (1200-2499 words) 7.00 CAD; (2500 words – 3500 words) 9.00 CAD. Deadline: July 17, 2021.
Stories We Tell After Midnight, Volume 3. Genre: Horror short stories. Length: Up to 25,000 words. Payment: $0.02/word or $25/story. Deadline: July 17, 2021.
Hungry Zine. Restrictions: Open to writers located in Canada. Genre: Nonfiction about food. Payment: $50. Deadline: July 18, 2021. Pitches only.
Soft Skull Press. Genre: Full-length fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and hybrid projects, including works in translation. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: July 20, 2021.
Wizards in Space. Genre: Poetry, prose, art on theme: bridges & barriers. Payment: $40 per original poem or per page of original art; $20 per reprinted poem or per page of reprinted art; $0.04 per word for original prose, based on final published word count; $0.02 per word for reprinted prose, based on final published word count. Deadline: July 30, 2021. Accepts reprints.
Flash Fiction Online. Genre: Speculative (science fiction, fantasy, slipstream, and horror) and literary fiction. Payment: $80. Deadline: July 21, 2021.
Poetry Wales. Genre: Poetry, reviews, articles. "We are open to poems on all themes, but we would be interested to see poems about Imagined Futures. Payment: Poems £20/page. Reviews £67.50/1500-word review. Articles £200/3000 word, or in that proportion, depending on number of published words. Deadline: July 21, 2021.
Owl Hollow Press: Frontiers Past, Present, and Future. Genre: Short stories on theme of Frontiers. Any genre. Length: 7,500 words max. Payment: $50. Deadline: July 24, 2021.
Tales from the Moonlit Path. Genre: Dark, eerie, speculative stories. Payment: $10. Deadline: July 27, 2021.
khōréō. Restrictions: Open to writers who identify as an immigrant or member of a diaspora in the broadest definitions of the terms. "This includes, but is not limited to, first- and second-generation immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants, persons who identify with one or more diaspora communities, persons who have been displaced or whose heritage has been erased due to colonialism/imperialism, transnational/transracial adoptees, and anyone whose heritage and history includes ‘here and elsewhere’. We especially encourage BIPOC creators who identify as the above to submit their work." Genre: stories, essays, and art: fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and any genre in between or around it, as long as there’s a speculative element. Theme: Food. Payment: 0.08/word for fiction, $100 for nonfiction, and $40-300 for art. Deadline: July 30, 2021.
Eerie River Publishing: Of Fire and Stars. Genre: LGBTQ+ Dark Fantasy anthology. Theme: Encounters with the fae world and its creatures. Payment: Up to 3000 words $10.00; Up to 5000 words $15.00; Above 5001 words $20.00. Deadline: July 30, 2021.
Scare Street: Night Terrors. Genre: Horror. Payment: $10 for every 1,000 words prorated, $50 for every 5,000 words prorated. Deadline: July 30, 2021.
Dragon Soul Press: All Dark Places. Genre: Horror. "In a world where so many dark things go bump in the night, terror awaits around every corner as these authors take horror stories to the next level." Word Count – 5,000-15,000. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Dragon Soul Press: All Dark Places. Genre: Horror. "In a world where so many dark things go bump in the night, terror awaits around every corner as these authors take horror stories to the next level." Word Count – 5,000-15,000. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Haunted: A Ghostly Anthology. Restrictions: Open to New Zealand and Australian writers. Genre: Poetry, flash fiction, and short stories 500 - 15000 words featuring haunted places, people and objects. Payment: $5 (AUD) to $20 (AUD). Deadline: July 31, 2021.
If There's Anyone Left. Restrictions: Open to people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, members of marginalized genders, and disabled people. Genre: Speculative fiction. Length: 1000 words max. Payment: 8 cents/word. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Reservoir Road Literary Review. Genre: Fiction, flash fiction, photography, CNF. Payment: $5. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
EX/POST. Genre: Poetry, prose, drama, art, essays. Payment: "Modest honorarium." Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
New Myths. Genre: Science fiction and fantasy. Payment: 1.5 cents/word with a minimum payment of $30 for all submissions, fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Book reviews - $30. Art - $60. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Short Fiction: The Visual Literary Journal. Restrictions: They accept submissions from the UK, Europe, the Commonwealth and every other country except for the United States of America. Genre: Short fiction between 500 and 5,000 words. Payment: 2p (£0.02) per word, to the nearest 100 words, with a minimum of £30 and maximum £100. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Room Magazine: Ancestors Issue. Restrictions: Room publishes fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art by folks of marginalized genders, including but not limited to women (cisgender and transgender), transgender men, Two-Spirit and nonbinary people. Genre: Original short stories, poems, creative non-fiction, or art on theme of Ancestors. Payment: $50 (CAD) Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Mythaxis. Genre: Speculative fiction. Payment: $20. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Socrates on the Beach. Genre: Essays and fiction (not poetry)—at least 3000 to 10,000 words. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Hiraeth Books: parABnormal Magazine. Genre: Stories, poetry, nonfiction about the paranormal. Payment: $25 for fiction, $20 for articles, $7 for reviews, $6 per poem. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
WolfSinger Publications: Us/Them Anthology. Genre: Short fiction. "Propaganda. Dehumanizing those that you disagree with. Using labels to identify people as being evil. … These tactics are very common in warfare and becoming more and more common in politics. They divide people, they can tear families, friends and countries apart. What we’re looking for are stories that revolve around the process of creating an US / THEM situation and what happens to both sides because of it. Stories can have a happy ending where both sides are to see past the differences that have been magnified to find the similarities that can join them. They can have tragic endings where one or both sides are destroyed by the hate mongering. Or, they can be somewhere in between.” Payment: $15 plus royalties. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Black Cat Magazine: Apocalypse. Genre: Speculative fiction and poetry on theme of Apocalypse. Payment: $30. Deadline: July 31st, 2021. (Or until filled)
Strange Aeon: 2021 (Fearful Wisdom). Genre: Cosmic horror/Lovecraftian vein. Payment: $20. Deadline: July 31, 2021. (Or until filled)
Spirit Machine. Genre: Seance Fiction - A mashup of Spiritualism (seances, ouiji/spirit boards, kirlian auras, discarnated entities, ghost talking) and Science Fiction and/or Steampunk genres. Payment: $0.08/word. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Mythic. Genre: Sci-fi and fantasy fiction. Payment: 4 cents/word. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
VQR. Genre: Poetry, short fiction, personal essays, literary criticism, reporting. Payment: For poetry, $200 per poem, up to 4 poems; for a suite of 5 or more poems, $1,000. For short fiction, $1,000 and above. For other prose, such as personal essays and literary criticism, $1,000 and above, at approximately 25 cents per word, depending on length. Note: Genre fiction is not accepted. Deadline: July 31, 2021. Opens July 1.
Monsters, Monsters, Monsters. Genre: Horror. Payment: $5. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Red Cape Anthologies: K is for Kidnap. Genre: Horror. "Being kidnapped must be a pretty terrifying ordeal – we’re looking for stories that convey that feeling of terror but we’re also looking for diversity. Think about who is being taken and by whom, are the kidnappers even human?" Payment: £10. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Augur Magazine: Joyful Imaginations. Genre: dream-touched realism, slipstream, fabulism, magical realism (note: educate yourself before you claim this term) and, for lack of a better descriptor, “literary” speculative fiction. Payment: $0.11 cents (CAD) per word for short fiction (1000+ words), and a flat fee of $110.00 per flash fiction piece (1000 words and under). Deadline: July 31, 2021. Opens July 8.
FIYAH. Genre: Speculative fiction, art, and poetry about African Diaspora. Length: Short fiction 2,000 – 7,000 words and novelettes up to 15,000 words. Payment: $150 per story. $50 per poem. $300 per novelette. Deadline: July 31st, 2021. See themes.
Aurealis. Genre: Science fiction, fantasy or horror short stories between 2000 and 8000 words. Payment: A$20 and A$60 per 1000 words. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Otoroshi Journal. Genre: Horrorku, horror tanka, and horror haibun, art. Payment: Poetry, $1. Art, $10. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Arc Poetry Magazine. Genre: Poetry. Payment: $50 per page. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Jellyfish. Restrictions: "Writers of colour." Genre: Fiction, nonfiction, 1000 words max. Payment: $50. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Ceci n’est pas une histoire d’horreur (This is Not a Horror Story) Genre: Horror stories inspired and influenced by the transgressive fiction. Payment: £15. Deadline: July 31, 2021. (Open until filled)
The Rumpus. Genre: Fiction poetry. "We strive to be a platform for marginalized voices and writing that might not find a home elsewhere, and to lift up new voices alongside those of more established writers we love. We work to shine a light on stories that build bridges, tear down walls, and speak truth to power." Payment: $300 divided among all contributors. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Nonbinary Review. Genre: Poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and flash, up to 3000 words on theme of Prohibition. Payment: For prose, 1¢ US per word, and $10 US per poem. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Podcastle. Genre: Fantasy podcast. Length: Up to 6,000 words. Payment: $0.06/word for original; $100 for reprints, $20 for flash fiction reprints. Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
Antifa Splatterpunk Anthology. Genre: Anti-fascist splatterpunk stories. "In addition to pure splatterpunk, I’m also open to extreme horror with weird, bizarro, historical, or science fiction elements. Just keep it anti-fascist." Payment: $100. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
the other side of hope. Genre: Fiction and poetry by refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants only. They accept non-fiction, reviews, and interview submissions by anyone as long as the subject matter sheds light on the refugee and immigrant life. Payment: £100 per published author in the print issue, and £50 per published author in the online issue. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Volney Road Review. Genres: Fiction, poetry, CNF, art. Payment: $10. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Augur. Genre: Speculative fiction and poetry. "Send us your dreamy, your quiet fantasy, your soft scifi, your literary pulp, your liminal, your slipstream, your fabulism." Payment: $60/poem; $0.11/word fiction. CAD. Deadline: July 31, 2021. See themes.
34 Orchard. Genre: Fiction and poetry. "We like dark, intense pieces that speak to a deeper truth. We’re not genre-specific; we just like scary, disturbing, unsettling, and sad." Length: Up to 7,500 words. Payment: $50. Deadline: July 31, 2021. Opens July 1.
Oddity Prodigy: Beneath the Yellow Lights. Genre: Urban fantasy stories that feature fantasy elements such as magic and mythical creatures in urban environments. Payment: $10. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Psychopomp. Genre: Short stories, up to 5,000 words. Payment: 2 cents a word up to $100 (starting at a minimum of $5). Deadline: July 31, 2021. Opens July 1.
Dark Moments. Genre: Speculative fiction or horror drabbles (exactly 100 words). Payment: 4 cents/word. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Awakened Voices Issue 13: The Body Speaks. Genre: Flash fiction, fiction, CNF, vignette, and graphic/visual work. "We are looking to showcase work that explores how the body expresses itself and speaks about trauma, its consequences, and recovery. How does the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual body respond to trauma? How does sexual abuse trauma interact with body image, sexuality, identity dissociation or reclamation? What else does the body interact with after trauma?" Payment: $12. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
And a few more...
Havok. Genre: Flash fiction on Theme of EVERYMAN / JESTER. Payment: $10 via PayPal for each story published in an Anthology. Deadline: August 1, 2021.
The Suburban Review. Genre: Poetry, fiction, CNF, art, comics on theme of PUNCTURE. Payment: $75 - $150. Deadline: August 1, 2021.
Ripe. Genre: Poetry, prose, art. Payment: $5. Deadline: August 1, 2021.
The First Line. Genres: Fiction, poetry, nonfiction using the first line provided. (See site.) Payment: $25.00 - $50.00 for fiction, $5.00 - $10.00 for poetry, and $25.00 for nonfiction. Deadline: August 1, 2021.
We'Moon Lunar Calendar. Restrictions: Open to women only. Genre: Art, poetry and prose, 350 words maximum. Payment: Small honorarium. Deadline: August 1, 2021.
Best Indie Speculative Fiction. Genre: Previously published speculative fiction, between January 1 2019 and December 31st 2020. This project only considers previous-published stories that are either self-published or published with a small press. Length: Up to 20,000 words. Payment: $25. Deadline: August 1, 2021.
The Zodiac Killers Series. Genre: Thriller. Length: 5000-10,000 words, excluding title. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: August 1, 2021.
Mudroom. Genre: Poetry, fiction, essays, and essays in translation. Payment: $15. Deadline: August 1, 2021.
Moonflake Press. Genre: Short stories and poems on theme of Lush. Payment: £25 for each story/poem. Deadline: August 1, 2021.
The Ghastling. Genre: Psychological horror, folk horror, ghost stories and the macabre. Payment: £15 per story plus copy of magazine. Deadline: August 1, 2021.
Fusion Fragment. Genre: Science fiction or SF-tinged literary fiction stories and novelettes ranging anywhere from 2,000 to 15,000 words. Payment: Both previously unpublished work and reprints pay 3.5 cents (CAD) per word, up to a maximum of $300 (CAD) per story. Deadline: August 1, 2021. Accepts reprints.
Recommended Reading. Genre: Fiction between 2,000 and 10,000 words. Payment: $300. Deadline: August 1, 2021.
Flame Tree Press: Asian Ghost Short Stories. Genre: Ghost stories written by writers of East, South or Southeast Asian heritage. Payment: 8 cents/6 pence per word for new stories and 6 cents/4 pence per word for reprints. Deadline: August 1, 2021. Reprints accepted.
Last Girls Club. Genre: Poetry, short stories, flash fiction, essays. Payment: $10 - $20. Deadline: August 1, 2021. See themes.
Constelación is a quarterly speculative fiction bilingual magazine, publishing stories in both Spanish and English. Writers can submit their stories in either language. Fifty percent of the stories we publish in every issue will be from authors from the Caribbean, Latin America, and their diaspora. Genre: Speculative fiction. Payment: 8 cents/word. Deadline: August 1, 2021. See themes. Deadline extended.
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