This July there are more than three dozen writing contests calling for every genre and form, from poetry, to creative nonfiction, to completed novels. Prizes range from $100,000 to publication. None charge entry fees.
Some of these contests have age and geographical restrictions, so read the instructions carefully.
If you want to get a jump on next month's contests go to Free Contests. Most of these contests are offered annually, so even if the deadline is past, you can prepare for next year.
Good luck!
Image credit: Pikist
Kate Tufts Discovery Award. Sponsored by Claremont Graduate University. Restrictions: Poets must be citizens or legal resident aliens of the United States. Genre: Poetry. Book must be author's first full-length book of poetry, published between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. Self-published books are accepted. Prize: $10,000. Deadline: July 1, 2021.
Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award. Sponsored by Claremont Graduate University.
Restrictions: Poets must be citizens or legal resident aliens of the United States.
Genre: Poetry. The work submitted must be a first book of poetry published between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. Manuscripts, CDs, and chapbooks are not accepted.
Prize: $100,000.
Deadline: July 1, 2021.
Richard J. Margolis Award.
Genre: Journalism. Prize is awarded annually to a promising new journalist or essayist whose work combines warmth, humor, wisdom and concern with social justice.
Prize: $5,000 and one month of residency at Blue Mountain Center.
Deadline: July 1, 2021.
James Berry Poetry Prize.
Restrictions: Open to poets of colour, who are UK residents (permanently reside in the UK: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man) who have not yet published a book-length collection, with special consideration given to LGBTQ+/disabled poets and poets from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.
Genre: Poetry.
Prize: 3 equal winners each receive £1,000 prize, expert mentoring & debut collection published with Bloodaxe Books.
Deadline: July 1, 2021.
1455’s Third Teen Poetry Contest. Restrictions: Writers aged 13-19.
Genre: Poetry. The theme for this year’s contest is “Finding Community During Crisis,” and the work should be a reflection on or reaction to the contemporary sociopolitical and cultural environment (including but not limited to #BLM, #MeToo, COVID, etc.). Prize: $5,000. Deadline: July 1, 2021.
Lewis CarrollSociety Ellis S. Hillman Award. Genre: Write a ‘missing’ chapter for either Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland or Through the Looking-Glass. You can create new characters or re-use existing characters; create new scenarios or use an existing scenario and follow on. Prize: Three prizes of £100 each for three separate age groups – up to 16 yrs old, 16-20, over 20 yrs. Entries to be between 500 to 2000 words, depending on age. Deadline: July 3, 2021.
Thirty West: Broadside Contest. Genre: Up to 2 poems or prose (flash fiction or CNF) pieces that fit on an 8.5"x11" paper (A4 size). Prize: $40 and 25 copies, Deadline: July 4, 2021.
She Writes Press and SparkPress Toward Equality in Publishing (STEP).
Restrictions: Open to woman of color (people whose heritage is African, Indigenous to the Americas, Latinx, Asian/Pacific Islander, Arab, or people of mixed racial heritage with one or two parents who fit into the above groups). Trans/non-binary or genderqueer women welcome!
Genre: Full-length fiction and nonfiction.
Prize: The STEP winners will receive a publishing deal to publish on either She Writes Press or SparkPress, which will be determined by the publisher based on genre and writing style. Both include the full services of the She Writes Press and SparkPress Publishing Package (each valued at $7500).
Deadline: July 5, 2021.
Stone Canoe.
Restrictions: Open to people who live or have lived in Upstate New York (not New York City).
Genres: Drama, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art.
Prize: $500 and publication.
Deadline: July 8, 2021 for poetry - July 22, 2021 for fiction, nonfiction and drama.
John Glassco Translation Prize. Sponsored by Literary Translators' Association of Canada.
Restrictions: Open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents only.
Genre: The work submitted must be the translator's first published book-length translation into English or French. The book must have been published between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018.
Prize: $1000.
Deadline: July 9, 2021.
Sustainability First Writing Prize 2021.
Restrictions: Open to all living British writers and international writers living, working, or studying in the UK, over the age of 18 years.
Genre: Article, a personal account, an essay, a short story, or a poem. Written entries will need to look at both climate change and fairness in society. This year's theme is: 'Together for a Fair Climate Future.' We want to hear writers’ imaginative visions, creative ideas and practical steps for societal change, with pieces of writing that respond to the question: “How do we achieve meaningful social changes in the UK to tackle the climate crisis and develop a fairer society?“
Prize: £1,000 with £500 for second prize and £300 for third prize.
Deadline: July 10, 2021.
New Zionist Congress Essay Competition.
Genre: Essay. "Tap into the emotional, academic, or a little bit of both, and let us know "what does zionism mean to you?"
Prize: $100 - $200.
Deadline: July 11, 2021.
The Margaret and Reg Turnill Competition.
Restrictions: Writers must be 21 or under on July 5. (Those over 21 can enter for a fee.)
Genre: Short story on theme of "Mask."
Length: 1,500 to 5,000 words.
Prize: £1,000 and publication in the annual HG Wells Short Story Competition Anthology.
Deadline: July 12, 2021.
Singapore Unbound.
Restrictions: Open to undergraduates.
Genre: Critical essays on topics in Singapore literature.
Prize: $250.
Deadline: July 12, 2021.
Hilary Weston Writers' Trust Prize for Nonfiction.
Restrictions: Books must be English-language, first-edition trade books published by a Canadian press, written by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Titles must be published between May 19, 2021 and September 30, 2021.
Genre: Literary nonfiction including, among other forms, works of personal or journalistic essays, memoirs, commentary, criticism both social and political, history, and biography.
Prize: Winner: $60,000; Finalists: $5,000.
Deadline: July 14, 2021.
Scottish Book Trust New Writers Awards.
Restrictions: Scottish writers over 18 years of age.
Genres: The awards are divided into three different categories.: Fiction and Narrative Non-fiction in English and Scots, Poetry in English and Scots, Children’s and Young Adult Fiction in English and Scots.
Prize: £2,000 and personal development opportunities, which can include mentoring from writers and industry professionals. Training in PR, performance and presentation training, and the opportunity to showcase work to publishers and agents.
Deadline: July 14, 2021 (midday).
Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize.
Genre: Fiction.
Restrictions: Titles must be published in Canada and written by Canadians. No self-published works.
Prize: $25,000 will be awarded to a novel or short-story collection published between May 19, 2021 and September 30, 2021. Prizes of $2,500 will be awarded to each of the finalists.
Deadline: July 14, 2021.
Atwood Gibson Writers' Trust Fiction Prize.
Restrictions: Titles must be published in Canada and written by Canadians. No self-published works.
Genre: Novel or short story collection.
Prize: $60,000 will be awarded to the novel or short story collection published between October 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021.
Deadline: July 14, 2021.
Langdon Review Writer-in-Residence Program. This is a two-week residency at Texas-based Tarleton State University, providing an opportunity to present at the Langdon Review Weekend festival, and publication in the school's Langdon Review journal.
Prize: $500.
Deadline: July 15, 2021.
Iron Horse Prize.
Genre: First book of collected prose.
Prize: The author of the winning entry will receive $1000, and their collection will be published in the summer of 2022 by Texas Tech University Press.
Deadline: July 15, 2021.
Free submissions on July 15 only.
W&A Working-Class Writers' Prize.
Restrictions: Open to working class writers over 18 and living in the UK or ROI.
Genre: All genres. Submit the beginning of an unpublished work-in-progress no more than 2,000 words in length and a one-page synopsis for the full manuscript. You must also include a short piece of writing (200 words) in the Covering Letter section of our online entry form about yourself and why this prize speaks to you.
Prize: £200 and a mentoring session with judge and author Paul Mendez.
Deadline: July 16, 2021.
Boardman Tasker Prize. Restrictions: The prize will be awarded for a work first published or distributed in the United Kingdom between July 15th 2020 and 17th July 2021.
Genre: Books with a mountain, not necessarily mountaineering, theme whether fiction, non-fiction, drama or poetry, written in the English language. Prize: £3,000.00. Deadline: July 17, 2021.
Undiscovered Voices. Restrictions: Current members of SCBWI who live in the UK or one of the current countries of the EU or the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries. Genre: Opening of an already completed novel for children, aimed at any age from 5 years through to Young Adult. You may submit up to 4,000 words – choosing a suitable place to stop your extract. Prize: Publication. Deadline: July 18, 2021.
Eerie River Publishing. Genre: Horror on theme of Dark Witch. Prize: ¢.5 per word CAD (half a cent), with a max of $15 plus a one-time royalty bonus payment based on six months of sales. Deadline: July 25, 2021.
Ann Petry Award.
Restrictions: Open to Black authors.
Genre: Previously unpublished prose, either a novel or a collection of short stories or novellas, with a minimum of 150 pages.
Prize: $3000 and publication.
Deadline: July 30, 2021.
The Governor General’s Literary Awards. Restrictions: Books must have been written, translated or illustrated by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Genre: Best English-language and the best French-language book will be chosen in each of the seven categories of Fiction, Literary Non-fiction, Poetry, Drama, Children’s Literature (text), Children’s Literature (illustrated books) and Translation (from French to English). Prize: $1,000 - $25,000. Deadline: Nominations by publishers for books in English must reach the Canada Council no later than July 31, 2021.
Crossing the Tees. Genre: Short story, 3000 words max. Prize: "Cash award." Deadline: July 31, 2021
#GWstorieseverywhere. Genre: Micro fiction or essay on theme of Staycation. Your story must be no longer than 25 words, with a max of 280 characters, including spaces and the hashtag. Prize: Free Gotham class. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Arablit Story Prize. Genre: Short story translated from Arabic. Prize: $500. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Landfall Essay Competition. Restrictions: Open to New Zealand writers. Genre: Essay about New Zealand. Prize: The winner will receive $3000 and a year’s subscription to Landfall. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
SLF Diverse Writers and Diverse Worlds Grants. Restrictions: Open to writers from underrepresented and underprivileged groups, such as writers of color, women, queer writers, disabled writers, working-class writers, etc. -- those whose marginalized identities may present additional obstacles in the writing / publishing process. Genres: Book-length works (novels, collections of short stories) of speculative fiction. Prize: $500. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Lee & Low Books New Voices Award is sponsored by Lee &Low Publishers. Restrictions: The contest is open to writers of color who are residents of the United States and who have not previously had a children’s picture book published. Genre: Children's books - fiction, nonfiction or poetry. Prize: $1,000 and publication. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest. Restrictions: Open to students who are FULL TIME, undergraduate students in an AMERICAN COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY during the Spring 2021 semester. Genre: Essay on topic: What Would Lincoln Do? "2021 marks the 150th anniversary of the Ku Klux Klan Act, a major milestone in the tumultuous Reconstruction era. Examining Lincoln's 1863 Louisiana plan along with other evidence, would Reconstruction have been any different if Lincoln had not been assassinated? If so, how?" Prize: 1st Prize $1500 | 2nd Prize $750 | 3rd Prize $500. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Storytwigs micro-writing competition. Restrictions: Open to citizens/residents of United States or Canada. You must be 18 years or older to enter. Genre: Short prose 100 words or fewer on prompt. Prize: From $10 to $100. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
The John Byrne Award. Restrictions: Open to residents of Scotland. Genre: A piece of creative work on a chosen theme or value (written work must be no more than 15,000 words in length). Prize: £7500. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Biopage. Genre: Personal essays about the pandemic. Prizes: Up to $1000. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
2021 RCWMS Essay Contest. Restrictions: Open to women and trans women18 years of age and older. Genre: Nonfiction essays of 1,200 words or less.” Essays should focus on the theme of identity and belonging. Oppressive systems and structures seek to prevent us from living into the complexities of our identities and lived experiences. How do you know when you are showing up as your full self and experiencing true belonging?” Prize: $300 for first place, $200 second, and $100 third. The winning essay will be published in the RCWMS newsletter, South of the Garden. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Lune Spark Young Writers' Short Story Contest. Restrictions: Open to writers 10-13 years old, and 13-16 years old. (Two categories.) Genre: Short story. Prize: $500 for first place; $250, 2nd place; $100, 3rd place. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
Jan Garton Prairie Heritage Book Award. Genre: Book published in 2017 - 2020 that illuminates the heritage of North America's mid-continental prairies, whether of the tall-grass, mid-grass, or short-grass regions. Authors' first books receive extra consideration. Books may be in any genre, and topics may include but are not limited to social or natural history; prairie culture of the past or in-the-making; and interactions between society and ecology. Prize: $1,000. Deadline: July 31, 2021.
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