29 Calls for Submissions in April 2016 - Paying Markets

Here are 29 calls for submissions during the month of April. All genres and styles are represented, including poetry, creative non-fiction, essays, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, translation, speculative fiction, screenplays, and graphic art.

Happy submitting!

Note: I post upcoming calls the last week of every month. You can find more sources for open calls on the tab labelled "Calls for Submissions."


Stories of Music

Genres: Creative nonfiction (personal essays, memoir excerpts, and literary journalism), poetry, photography and art, videos, and audio recordings, and additional genres and styles, as long as music is the centerpiece and the story is true.

Payment: $200 (US dollars), a copy of the print edition

Deadline: April 1, 2016


Impact: Colonialism in Canada Anthology

The anthology will feature works from emerging and established Indigenous-Canadian writers, and will focus on the effects of colonialism in Canada from a historical or contemporary perspective.

Genres: Historical or contemporary fiction, creative, non-fiction, essay, or poetry. Your work must address the anthology’s theme from an Indigenous perspective in compelling ways and will be assessed based on artistic and educational merit.

Length: 3,000 words and under per piece for fiction, non-fiction, or essay. Two to three pieces for poetry with a submission maximum of five.

Payment: 5¢/word for fiction, non-fiction, or essay and $50 per published poem.

Deadline: April 1, 2016


West Branch

Genres: Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and translation.

Payment: $50 per submission of poetry, and $.05/word for prose with a maximum payment of $100, and two copies of the issue in which his/her work appears and a one-year subscription to West Branch.

Deadline: April 1, 2016


NonBinary Review #10: A Study in Scarlet, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes)

"NonBinary Review is a quarterly digital literary journal that joins poetry, fiction, essays, and art around each issue's theme. We invite authors to explore each theme in any way that speaks to them: re-write a familiar story from a new point of view, mash genres together, give us a personal essay about some aspect of our theme that has haunted you all your life. We also invite art that will accompany the literature and be featured on our cover. All submissions must have a clear and obvious relationship to some specific aspect of the source text (a character, episode, or setting). Submissions only related by a vague, general, thematic similarity are unlikely to be accepted."

Payment: 1 cent per word for fiction and nonfiction, and a flat fee of $10 per poem and $25 per piece of visual art

Deadline: April 1, 2016


Apex Publications: Undead: A Poetry Anthology of Ghouls, Ghosts, and More 

Genre: 1-3 poems, email to undeadpoetryanthology@gmail.com

Payment: $5

Deadline: April 1st, 2016. Previously published work is eligible, as long as you own the rights


Ghosts, Gears, and Grimoires

Anthology of short stories, released as an ebook and as a paperback simultaneously

Genre: Horror-themed Steampunk

Payment: $10

Deadline: April 1st, 2016


Nous: The Work Issue

"For many of us being at work or working for a living takes up more than half of our time. Probably also more than half of the time of our whole lives. In this issue we want to explore how our work can cause distress, make us unhappy but also show off alternatives that show how fulfilling a profession can be. Is there such a thing as good work and bad work? How do other cultures “work”, how did our grandparents “work”. What work has been done to make the world “better”. What is work, or labour, or profession, and what does it mean to us? Is working in our blood, is it good for our soul to do stuff? Many questions to explore, send us your proposals for essays, short stories, and poetry to submit@nous-magazine.de"

Payment: £20 and a copy of NOUS 7

Deadline: April 1st, 2016


Splickety: Outdoor Misadventure

Genre: Flash fiction

Payment: 2 cents/word

Deadline: April 8, 2016



"Read-aloud story rhymes – Many picture books for children have, at their heart, a story narrated in the form of a short rhyming text. Send us your rhyming texts of up to 200 words, that tell a story to read aloud to a small child." Women only.

Payment: £25

Deadline: April 11, 2016


Seizure: 'Translated Edition'

Genre: Translated poetry and fiction

Payment: $200

Deadline: April 13, 2016


Narrative Magazine

Narrative is a highly prestigious magazine, geared to a discerning audience. Their no-fee submission period is during the first two weeks of April.

Genres: All genres, short stories, poems, novellas, one-act plays

Payment: Pay scale ranges from $50 - $1000, depending on the length of the piece

Deadline: April 14, 2016


Brain, Child

Seeking submissions for two upcoming blog series:

Milestones: - Yours, your child’s, your family’s. Tell us about a personal or family milestone and the journey to get there (or not get there). Topics might include a mother’s spiritual awakening after her empty nest; missing a son's first time learning how to ride a bike; teaching a child with a learning disability how to read.

Multiples: Share your stories about raising multiples, being a multiple, or what it’s like growing up in a family with multiples. Topics might include: having twins as the first vs. the last children in the family; commemorating the date twins come home after months in the NICU; comparing identical twin siblings' separate identities.

Length: 750-1200 words per submission

Payment: Competitive rates

Deadline: April 15, 2016


|tap| magazine

"|tap| magazine especially aims to publish poetry and prose on trauma, mental health, social justice, and by marginalized voices. We are looking for work that is vulnerable, work that is evocative, and work with risk and emotion."

Payment: $25

Deadline: April 15, 2016



"EPOCH is an open forum for literary fiction, poetry, essays, screenplays, cartoons, graphic art, and graphic fiction. We consider only work that is previously unpublished. We do not accept electronic submissions or simultaneous submissions."

Payment: $50 per poem, and a maximum of $150 per story, more for fiction submitted by literary agencies and for long stories and novellas.

Deadline: April 15, 2016


Catskill Made: 'Flow' Issue

"Catskill Made is a digital journal of artists and makers in the Catskills. Our primary aim is to explore the creative environment in all its forms, examining how the rural mountain lifestyle affects artists, artwork, and the art-making process. Our secondary goal is to document that lifestyle and those artists in a publication as beautiful as the region itself."

Payment: 10 cents/word

Deadline: April 15, 2016 (for pitches)


Sandwiched: Voices from the Middle

"We are looking for a wide range of first-person stories and reflective essays that connect us and rekindle our spirit on various aspects of the middle years of life."

Genre: Creative nonfiction, 1st person essays

Payment: $25

Deadline: April 15, 2016


SQ Magazine

"Life doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Plants and mushrooms work together to create networks, an ecosystem. We live together with microbiotic bugs in our mouths, our guts. No being exists on their own. We exist in colonies, in families, as part of worlds. Show us symbiosis: two characters that can’t live without each other, or someone perfectly adapted to their microcosm. Working in sync to create a better life."

Genre: Speculative fiction, 1,000 to 5,000 words

Payment: US$15 per story

Deadline: April 18, 2016


A Two Dame Production

"A Two Dame Production is now accepting submissions for its Summer 2016 anthology. The theme of the anthology is Fairy Tales, so send us your best rendering of your favorite fairy tale!"

Genre: Erotic fairy tale

Payment: Published authors will receive a paperback copy of the anthology, plus $25.

Deadline: April 20, 2016


Iron Soap

Genre: Flash fiction (200 words) for Mother's Day issue

Payment: $0.01/word or $2 flat (whichever is more)

Deadline: April 22, 2016



Genre: Short stories and poems on theme of Technology

Payment: £25 per story and £5 per poem

Deadline: April 24, 2016


Writespace Anthology: In Medias Res: Stories from the In-Between

"We are looking for stories about characters who are thrown into or stuck between different cultures, communities, families, races, genders, self-images, dimensions, continents, etc. We want the gray area—the uncomfortable, the undefined. Give us characters in the middle of it all: middle children, mediators, people in the middle of their lives, in the middle of a mess—“in-between.”

Genre: Any - flash fiction, short stories, prose poetry

Payment: $15 and a copy of the anthology at publication.

Deadline: April 28, 2016



First horror anthology released by TIME ALONE PRESS.

Genre: Horror

Length: Approx 4000 words

Payment: $.06 per word. PLUS half of royalties distributed among the writers after the recovery of initial costs (paid twice per year).

Deadline: April 30, 2016



"Did you know that humans emit clouds of microbes? Over a million particles an hour. With that sort of chaos something is likely to go very, very wrong."

Genre: Science fiction, although genre mashups with horror, romance, mystery, etc. will be accepted. 

Length: 3,000 to 10,000 words

Payment: 3 cents/word

Deadline: April 30, 2016


Antioch Review

Genres: Short stories, reviews, articles, poetry

Payment: $20.00 per printed page (about 425 words) plus 2 copies of the issue

Deadline: April 30, 2016

No electronic submissions


Eastern Iowa Review

Genre: :Lyric essay, family friendly

Payment: Complimentary copy of the issue plus a token payment ($15 for lyric or experimental essays up to 2000 words, and $25 for those up to 5000 words)

Deadline: April 30, 2016


Chicken Soup for the Soul: Angels and Miracles

"Share your awesome stories about how good things happen to good people! We’re looking for stories about angels, miracles, answered prayers, messages from heaven, and all your other awe-inspiring experiences, whether religious or non-religious."

Payment:  $200

Deadline: April 30, 2016


Alternate Realities: Two Anthologies

"Summer’s End is an anthology of fantastical stories that will be about the end of ages, civilisations, golden times that decline inexorably or suddenly. Think the fall of the men of Numenor, the end of the first age of Yggdrasil, the sacking of Rome or the swallowing of Anhkor Watt by the forests as its people disappeared."

"Broken Bones & Ten Dollar Bills is an anthology of science fiction stories that explore our relationship with body altering technology, be that genetics or other techs. We want to see stories that explore our relationship with technology but also those people who traffic in these goods, those scientists who invent them and the corporations who profit from our awkwardness about being embodied."

Payment: £10, contributors copies, royalties

Deadline: April 30, 2016



"I know how depression feels. I know how events can spiral out of control, with one piece of shitty news after another. I know how small stuff rapidly becomes big things. And I know just how easily a camel’s back breaks. This anthology, SEMI-COLONIC IRRIGATION, is in aid of as-yet-undetermined charities. We’re initially looking to raise funds for counselling services and those who offer support to survivors."

Payment: 10 cents/word

Deadline: April 30, 2016


Memento Mori Anthology: Haunted House

"For an anthology Memento Mori Press will release in August 2016, we’re looking for several haunted house stories. The stories must involve a haunted house of some sort, but please be creative. The people can be haunted rather than the house, or the haunting can be in a character’s mind, and so on."

Payment: $10 for original, unpublished stories, and $5 for reprints

Deadline: April 30, 2016


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