2 New Agents Seeking Clients NOW

Here are two new agents actively seeking clients. Stephanie Fretwell-Hill (Red Fox Literary) is looking for authors and illustrators of board books, picture books, middle grade, and young adult in any genre. Kemi Faderin (Dystel & Goderich) is looking for smart, plot-driven YA, historical fiction/ nonfiction, contemporary women’s fiction, and literary fiction.

Stephanie Fretwell-Hill of Red Fox Literary


About Stephanie: Stephanie Fretwell-Hill started her publishing career in 2004 at Walker Books Ltd. in London, where she sold foreign language rights. Working in a design-led company with legendary artists such as Helen Oxenbury and Lucy Cousins sparked her love of illustration, while her sales role gave her an international perspective on children’s publishing. In 2011, Stephanie moved back home to the United States and joined Peachtree Publishers as an editor. During her four years there, she acquired fiction and nonfiction picture books, middle grade, and young adult titles. Her acquisitions received such honors as YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults, Bank Street Best Children’s Books of the Year, Parents’ Choice Awards, and numerous starred reviews from major trade magazines. She joined Red Fox Literary in early 2016.

What she is seeking: Stephanie represents both authors and illustrators of board books, picture books, middle grade, and young adult. She will consider stories in any genre, but looks for a strong voice, rich and multi-layered plots, and stylish, classic, or quirky illustrations. Most of all, she loves anything that really makes her laugh.

How to submit: Stephanie will be open to unsolicited submissions for six months (ending mid-July 2016). Please send art samples, complete picture book text, or first three chapters of a novel (and a query) to querystephanie [at] redfoxliterary.com.


About Kemi: Kemi Faderin joined DGLM as an intern while pursuing her M.S. in Publishing at NYU. She grew up in Ellicott City, Maryland where she went to college and received her B.A. in English. Shortly after graduation, Kemi moved to New York in early 2015. An internship at Liza Dawson Associates solidified her interest in a career in the publishing industry, especially the agenting side of it. Find her on Twitter.

What she is seeking: She is interested in anything different and original, but especially in smart, plot-driven YA, historical fiction / nonfiction, contemporary women’s fiction, and literary fiction.

How to Submit: E-query kfaderin [at] dystel.com. “Synopses, outlines or sample chapters (say, one chapter or the first 25 pages of your manuscript) should either be included below the cover letter or attached as a separate document. We won’t open attachments if they come with a blank email. Please do double space your samples for reading that’s easy on the eyes! We will respond to most query letters within a six to eight week period. If you don’t hear from us within that time frame, chances are we did not receive yours. Feel free to resend it.”


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