11 Calls for Submissions in October - Speculative fiction, poetry, literary fiction, nonfiction

There are some eye-catching calls for submissions coming up in October.

(Many have deadlines of October 1, so don't wait to check this list.)

Of special interest are: an anthology about rescued cats - told from the perspective of the cats, adventure cycling, the feminist take on pop culture, earth science, and, of course, science fiction, fantasy, and horror.

All of these are paying markets. Payments range from 2 to 50 cents a word.


Myriad Lands: An Anthology of Non-Western Fantasy, Published by Guardbridge Books

"Beyond the familiar tropes of knights and dragons, there is a whole world of possibilities for fantasy literature. This collection seeks to explore the stories available in non-traditional fantasy. We are looking for secondary world fantasy, where the world building and story telling is based on sources other than medieval Europe."

Genre: Speculative fiction

Length: 1000-6000 words. Query first for longer works.

Payment: £0.03/word (approx. 5¢/word US). Contributor's copy. Payment will be made when story line-up is finalized.

Deadline: October 1, 2105

No simultaneous submissions


Untethered: A Magic iPhone Anthology, Published by Cantina Publishing

Looking for stories that cleverly incorporate the idea of a “magic iPhone” into any setting you like. All genres accepted except straight-up erotica or hard-core horror.

Genre: Speculative fiction

Length: 10,000 words max, 3,000-7,000 words recommended

Payment: $100, one year of exclusivity

Deadline: October 1, 2105

No reprints


Mythic Delirium

Mythic Delirium is an online and e-book venue for fiction and poetry that ranges through science fiction, fantasy, horror, interstitial and cross-genre territory.

Genre: Fiction, Poetry

Length: 4,000 words max

Payment: 2 cents/word on publication, poems - $5 flat fee on publication

Deadline: Oct 1, 2015

No reprints, no simultaneous submissions



New publication looking for original fiction. Orthogonal is a cross between an anthology and a magazine.

Genre: Fiction, Flash fiction

Word length: up to 5K words for stories; under 1K words for flash fiction.

Payment: $100 per story (plus royalties); $30 per flash fiction story (plus royalties).

Deadline: October 1, 2015

No reprints, no simultaneous submissions

Sycamore Review is a nonprofit journal for the arts published twice annually by graduate students at the Department of English, Purdue University.

Genre: Fiction, Poetry

Payment: $50 per short story or non-fiction piece, or $25 per poem

Deadline: October 1, 2015

Accepts simultaneous submissions

Bitch Magazine

"Bitch Magazine wants to hear your take on the places where feminism, pop culture, and money meet. The dollars and cents behind politics (Clinton 2016, anyone?); the cash that greases the wheels of pop-culture industries from film to sports to music; the gendered underpinnings of the "sharing economy;" and the everyday economics facing women daily from feminine labor, student-loan debt, and the second shift. We’ll look at insidious (and often ingenious) marketing plans, how our bodies are commodified, and the big business of gentrification and cultural appropriation. But as bleak as it might look out there, we also want to hear about the good things: Resourcefulness! Entrepreneurship! People who want to game the system and/or shift the tide of capitalism! You can take that to the bank."

Genre: Nonfiction

Length: 2,000 to 4,000 words for features; 1500-1800 words for columns on film, television, language, activism, advertising, publishing, and more, with pieces taking the form of reviews, critical essays, Q&As, and activist profiles; 100-word pieces highlighting the best of pop culture

Payment: $200 for features (one full page and one spot), $75 for back-of-book reviews features (half page), and $25 for individual, small spot illustrations.

Deadline: October 1, 2015


Walk Hand in Hand Into Extinction: Stories Inspired by True Detective

Genre: Fiction inspired by the themes of either season of the TV show True Detective

Length: 2,000 - 3,000 words

Payment: $25

Deadline: October 1, 2015

No reprints

Issues in Earth Science: A Resource for Writers and Teachers

"Fiction should be written for the feature, "Eww, there's some geology in my fiction!"  We are interested in MG and YA fiction that incorporates Earth Science concepts as key, rather than incidental, elements.  Stories with adult characters but written for MG or YA will also be considered. The science element should be more substantive than "cool facts" or jargon that is slipped into a story."

Genre: Nonfiction

Length: 1000 - 3000 words, with preference for stories around 2000 words

Payment: $0.06/word ($60 minimum).  We ask for first e-publication rights, exclusive for one year, indefinite non-exclusive archival rights, plus the non-exclusive option to include the story in a print edition at some point in the future (which, if selected, would pay an additional $0.06/word)

Deadline: October 15, 2015


Adventure Cyclist

"Adventure Cyclist is a bicycle travel magazine published nine times yearly by Adventure Cycling Association, a nonprofit service organization for bicyclists. Adventure Cyclist is dedicated to publishing stories about bicycle travel and other recreational cycling subjects."

Genre: Nonfiction

Length: 2000-3500 words/feature article; 1200-1500 words/essay; under 750 words/sidebar

Payment: 30-50 cents/word. First-time writers usually receive the lesser amount, while repeat writers can expect the higher rate. Interior photos for articles pay $50-$250/photo depending on size and quality.

Deadline for queries: October 31, 2015

Simultaneous submissions accepted



Zombies Need Brains LLC is accepting submissions to its two science fiction and fantasy anthologies ALIEN ARTIFACTS and WERE-. ALIEN ARTIFACTS is to feature stories where some type of left-behind alien tech has been found and how it may affect our society, our humanity, or the characters. It can be an artifact discovered on Earth in our past or during current times or an artifact that we run across while exploring space in the future.

WERE- is to feature stories where some type of were-creature OTHER than a werewolf is the main character. Werewolves can appear in the story, but they cannot be the main character or the central focus of the story. Stories featuring more interesting were-creatures, and twists on how they are integrated into the story, will receive more attention than those with more mundane creatures.
Length: 7,500 words max

Payment: 6 cents per word for short stories.

Deadline: October 31, 2015

Rescued: The Stories of 12 Cats, Through Their Eyes

"We are looking in particular for cat bloggers, cat writers, or aspiring writers whose cats have blogs, Facebook or Twitter profiles — writers who are social media savvy, who are part of the online cat community or cat writing community, and those who have relationships with local rescues. And of course, you must have a rescue cat in your life, who will be the protagonist of your story. Even though having a cat’s point of view gives the story a highly creative angle, we are looking for stories based on real-life events."

Genre: Creative nonfiction

Length: 3,000 - 5,000 words

Payment: $150 for each story, with a bonus if the book sells over a certain number.

Deadline: October 31, 2015


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