6 Calls for Submissions: Speculative Fiction, Essays, Poetry - August 31 Deadlines

Here are six calls for submissions with deadlines coming up at the end of the month.

Not all of of these publications offer payment, but note that RHINO nominates winning poems for a Pushcart Prize and The Collagist prints excerpts from forthcoming novels (especially if you are publishing your novel with an Indie press).


Qu – Qu is a literary magazine sponsored by the MFA Department of Queens University of Charlotte. Genres: Fiction, essay or script excerpt under 8,000 words, or three poems. Payment: Prose $100; poetry $50. Deadline: August 31.

RHINO – RHINO is looking for previously unpublished poetry, translations and flash fiction. Genres: Submit three to five poems, three to five translations of poems, or flash fiction under 500 words. Payment: None, but all poems are considered for the Editors’ Prize, which offers cash awards for the top three submissions of the year. The First Place winner will be nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Deadline: August 31.

The Collagist – The Collagist is a monthly journal associated with Dzanc Press. Each issue contains short fiction, poetry, essays, book reviews, and one or more excerpts from novels forthcoming from (mostly) independent presses. Genres: Stories, essays, novellas, one to three short-shorts, or one to three poems, but only submit twice during each reading period. Payment: None, but if you have a novel that is due to be published in the next three months, The Collagist publishes an excerpt in each issue. Deadline: August 31.

Crossed Genres – Pronouns & Genders. Genre: Speculative fiction. "We want stories that feature, examine, explore, and celebrate the many and varied human genders; and stories that explore the ways in which pronouns are used to acknowledge, accept, oppress and deny gender. [NOTE: We’re looking for stories about humans. No shapeshifters or robots, please.]" Payment: 6 cents a word. This is a SFWA Qualifying Market. Deadline: August 31.

Eat, Pray, Love Made Me Do It –  This anthology is a compilation of personal essays inspired by Elizabeth Gilbert's book. Genre: Essay of no more than 1500 words. Payment: $50. Deadline: August 31.

The Myriad Carnival – An anthology of ‘queer, weird and dark’ stories themed around carnivals. LGBT. Payment: $40/£24, plus 2 x copies of the anthology. Reprints accepted. Deadline: August 31.


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