Publisher Pan Macmillan Accepting Unsolicited Manuscripts - No Agent Needed

Updated 1/17/22

Pan Macmillan Australia is accepting electronic manuscript submissions directly from writers - no agent needed.

Pan Macmillan is a major Australian publisher with a wide range of titles under group imprints, including Macmillan, Pan, Picador, Plum, Momentum, Macquarie Dictionary Publishers, Pancake, St Martin's Press, Tor, Forge, Griffin and Sidgwick & Jackson.

It publishes commercial and literary fiction, children's and YA fiction, picture books, Australiana, history, biographies, cooking, health and self-help, sports and travel. It also handles sales for Guinness World Records.

Other Australian publishers have also opened their doors to unagented submissions.

Allen & Unwin accepts submissions every day of the week.


From the website:

We do not generally publish poetry, plays or textbooks but are happy to receive any genre of manuscript. We are particularly interested in the following:

Fiction: Contemporary drama, sagas, psychological suspense, crime and thrillers, historical, literary

Non-fiction: Narrative non-fiction, contemporary issues, memoir, history, true crime, lifestyle and health, mind body spirit

Children’s books & young adult fiction: Junior and middle grade fiction, young adult/crossover fiction

Please review our catalogue to find out what kind of books we publish. This is also a great opportunity to discover authors and titles similar to yours.


1. Prepare the first  50 pages of your novel or non-fiction proposal.

2. Fill out the form:

Your manuscript will be read within three months of the date we receive it.

Click HERE for full guidelines.


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