2 Literary Agents Seeking Nonfiction

Updated 5/29/19

Here are two agents eager to build their client lists. Trena White (Transatlantic Agency, Canada) is looking for nonfiction in these areas: current affairs, business, culture, politics, technology, religion, and the environment. Leila Campoli (Stonesong Literary) is seeking nonfiction projects in business, finance, investing, science, pop culture, and current events.

ALWAYS check the agency website before submitting. Agents may switch agencies or close their lists and submission requirements may change.

If these agents do not suit your needs, you can find a comprehensive list of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients.


About Leila: Before joining Stonesong, she was most recently an editor at Palgrave Macmillan. Some of her previous titles include: Mark D. White’s The Illusion of Wellbeing, Gudrun Johnsen’s Bringing Down the Banking Industry, Deborah Gregory’s Unmasking Financial Psychopaths, and Matt Ragas and Ron Culp’s Business Essentials for Strategic Communicators.

What she is seeking: prescriptive and narrative nonfiction projects in business, finance, investing, science, pop culture, and current events. Her ideal author has a strong platform, groundbreaking ideas, and unique style. She’s particularly interested in books that offer a window into remarkable lives and little known operations. Please no fiction, poetry, or screenplays.

How to submit: E-query submissions [at] stonesong.com. Put “Query for Leila: [Title]” in the subject line of your email. No attachments. “If you have not received a request from us within 12 weeks, consider that we have passed.”


Trena White of The Transatlantic Agency


About Trena: Last fall, Trena White joined fellow Page Two principal Jesse Finkelstein in forming an alliance with The Transatlantic Agency. At Page Two, the two publishing experts consult for authors and businesses on both traditional and non-traditional publishing strategy. White and Finkelstein also secure book deals for authors of adult non-fiction whose books have strong trade potential and can benefit from the backing of an established, respected literary agency. Follow Trena on Twitter: @trenawhite

What she is seeking: I specialize in upmarket, accessible nonfiction that challenges current conceptions, whether through a “big ideas” book or narrative. I am drawn to entrepreneurs and people who are innovators in their fields and writing about current affairs, business, culture, politics, technology, religion, and the environment. I am most interested in authors who have an existing platform. No memoirs please.

How to submit: Query Trena at trena [at] transatlanticagency.com with a cover letter in the body of your email and an attachment of your work (maximum 20-page writing sample/excerpt in Microsoft Word document form) along with a publishing history and synopsis. Please note if other agents are also considering the project.


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