Calls for Submissions - Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror, Erotica, Fiction, Nonfiction

These seven publications are currently open to submissions for speculative fiction, horror, erotica, poetry, general fiction and nonfiction. All are paying markets.

Before you submit, take a tour of their websites to see if your work will be a good fit.


Timeless Tales exclusively publishes retellings of fairy tales and myths  in any genre. They don't accept original fairy tales or stories outside of their current theme. The next theme is "Perseus and Medusa." This is a family-friendly publication. No erotica. Length: Up to 2,000 words. Under 1,500 preferred. Payment: $15 flat fee. Accepts simultaneous submissions and reprints. Submission deadline: March 23, 2015. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Podcastle is an audio fantasy magazine open to all subgenres of fantasy: from magical realism to urban fantasy to slipstream to high fantasy, and everything in between. The theme for the next issue is Dirty Jobs. "All around us, hidden from view, people do the hidden jobs that no one knows about, the hard jobs that no one glamorizes, the secret jobs that everyone pretends do not exist. We prefer stories with strong pacing, well-defined characters, engaging dialogue, and clear action. As we publish primarily in audio, we strongly gravitate toward stories with distinctive voices that read well. Fun and humor are encouraged." Payment:  $100 for short stories between 2000-6000 words for weekly broadcast. 6 cents per word for original fiction, and 2 cents per word for reprints. For flash fiction stories under 1000 words, flat fee of $20. Submission deadline: March 30, 2015. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Sycamore Review, a publication of Purdue University, accepts unsolicited submissions of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. No previously published works (except for translations) or genre pieces (conventional science fiction, romance, horror, etc.). Simultaneous submissions accepted. Payment: For unsolicited printed work, Sycamore Review pays each contributor two copies, and $50 per short story or non-fiction piece, or $25 per poem. Submission deadline: March 31, 2015. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Ladylit is an independent fiction publisher based in Hong Kong focusing mainly on lesbian erotica and romance. They are looking for stories for their upcoming anthology: "Summer Love: Lesbian Stories of Holiday Romance." Genre: Erotica. 
Preferred length: 3000 – 6000 words. Payment: US$45.00 plus 1 copy of e-book and paperback. Deadline: March 31, 2015 (the earlier the better). Read submission guidelines HERE.

Third Flatiron is looking for speculative fiction submissions to its themed anthology, "Only Disconnect." Presentism as a theme: the pitfalls of distraction, overstimulation, attention thieves. Too much to do, too little time, headlong into the singularity. Advantages of being bored or being "in the present." Are we becoming ADD? Should we disconnect - or connect even further? Length: Stories should be between 1,500 and 3,000 words. Payment: 3 cents per word, or 6 cents per word if chosen as the lead story. Submission deadline: March 31, 2015. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Another Dimension Magazine is the evolution of Wily Writers Speculative Fiction Podcast. It has a more focused theme, that of classic-style Horror and Dark Fantasy. "One thing, in particular, that we’re looking for in the stories is a strong, twisty ending—like they used to have on the Twilight Zone and Night Gallery shows." Word count: 1000 – 3000 (Firm. Do not query). Simultaneous submissions and reprints are okay. Payment: 3 cents a word. Submission deadline: March 31, 2015. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Kill Your Darlings is an Australian literary magazine that "is proud to publish writers at varying stages of their careers, from new and emerging voices to established and well-known writers." Payment: minimum payment for a lead feature commentary is $550, commentary is $200, fiction is $250, and reviews $200. Killings columnists are paid $90 per post, for a year-long contract. Submission deadline: March 31, 2015. Read submission guidelines HERE.


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