12 Writers Conferences in March 2015

March is a popular month for conferences. Shaw Guides lists 27 conferences this month, including annual events for several state and national writers organizations.

The larger conferences are jam-packed with speakers, workshops, book signings, readings, and, of course, pitch sessions with agents.

But there are also smaller, more intimate gatherings this month, focused on the craft of writing and niche markets.

Registration is still open for all of these conferences. You can see their full schedule of events by clicking on the links.


Puerto Vallarta International Writers Conference 2015, March 6-8, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Speakers: Elise Capron of Dijkstra Agency, Caleb Pirtle III, Sarah Cortez, James R. Callan, Carmen Rodriguez, Thomas Pulley, Donna Dahl, Melissa Frost, Evelyn Bryn.

LA Writers Conference 2015, March 14, 2015. Los Angeles, CA. "Learn how to sell your book idea in the boot camp and practice your pitch to an agent in the pitch session. Led by brand specialist and book consultant, Ruth Klein."

EPICon-2015, March 12 - 14, 2015, Menger Hotel, San Antonio, Texas. This conference is truly epic, with workshops on marketing, book production, distribution, sales, and information on epublishing from the top experts in the field.

New York Writers Workshop Fiction Pitch Conference, March 13-15, 2015, Ripley-Grier Studios (NY Spaces) 520 Eighth Ave (36th/37th), 16th Fl. Participants polish their pitches with the help of conference leaders who are members of the New York Writers Workshop faculty, then they present them to three different editors from major New York publishing houses. Editors provide feedback and may request proposals and manuscripts after the conference.

Virginia Festival of the Book, March 18-22, 2015. Book exhibits, talks by authors, readings, workshops on book promotion, finding an agent, poetry, publishing, agents roundtable - you name it, this conference has it.

Algonkian Writers New York Pitch Conference, March 19-22, 2015. "The event focuses on the art of the novel pitch as the best method not only for communicating your work, but for having you and your work taken seriously by industry professionals. More importantly though, it is also a diagnostic method for workshopping the plot, premise, and other elements of the story to determine quality and marketability. Simply put, you cannot successfully pitch a viable commercial novel if you don't have a viable commercial novel. Our goal, therefore, is to set you on a realistic path to publication. "

Create Something Magical Conference, March 21 - 22, 2015. Iselin, NJ. The conference includes a writers track, a readers track, book fair, author signings, workshops, editor and agent appointments, and social events. Ten agents from NY agencies, and seven agents will be attending. Click HERE for a checklist of agent preferences (genres they represent).

PubSense Summit, March 22-24, Charleston, SC. Featuring keynote speakers Cevin Bryerman, publisher of Publishers Weekly, and Joanna Penn, best-selling author and founder of The Creative Penn. Workshops on: how editors/agents can further your publishing goals, steps to build your author platform, brand and persona, insights from publishing pros including agents, editors, marketers and social media gurus, where book publishing and marketing is headed right now, how to build book sales through reviewers, mass media and book clubs, today’s methods of crowdfunding, using discoverability tools and increasing distribution. Featuring keynote speakers Cevin Bryerman, publisher of Publishers Weekly, and Joanna Penn, best-selling author and founder of The Creative Penn.

The Chesapeake Writing Conferences, Baltimore (March 27) and Washington DC (March 28)  a full-day of  “How to Get Published” workshops. Attending agents: Jeff Kleinman (Folio Literary); Ella Kennen (Corvisiero Literary); Jamie Bodnar Drowley (Inklings Literary); Laura Strachan (The Strachan Literary Agency).

Northern Colorado Writers Conference, Mar 27 - 28, 2015, Fort Collins CO. Sessions: script writing, self-publishing, maximizing sales, agent roundtables, children's books, writing for TV, building your author platform, how to write an effective hook, and more.

California Dreamin' Writers Conference, Mar 27 - 29, 2015, Brea CA. Agents attending: Laura Bradford (Bradford Literary Agency), Courtney Miller-Callihan (Greenburger Associates), Lucienne Diver (The Knight Agency); editors from Avon Romance, Boroughs Publishing Group, Entangled Publishing, ImaJinn/Belle Books, Random House, and Samhaim Publishing. Over 60 workshops: writing, publishing business, pitching to agents, book covers, and anything else you can think of.

Writers' Day, March 28. Hooksett, NH. Workshops and seminars led by professional writers, editors, agents, and publishers. The conference includes the option of face-to-face manuscript critiques and agent/publisher one-on-one pitch sessions.


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