2022 New Year's Writing Resolution: Observe the Ordinary
Last year I made a resolution to re-read some of the books that have impressed me with their brilliant prose, their poetic insights, their ability to make me lose myself completely in another time and place. These are the books I hug after I get to the last line, unwilling to give them back to the library. Eventually, I will purchase them to display on shelves where I can gaze upon their spines, and open them when the mood strikes me, to revel once again in the joy of fine prose. Why then, do I keep devouring Anne Tyler novels? Between reading Cloud Cuckoo Land and Piranesi , both of which are magnificent recent contributions to the literary world, I read Anne Tyler novels - ten of them, to be precise. Tyler has written twenty-four novels. She churns them out every year or so like a litter of kittens, barely taking a breath before the next one pops out. There is no need for her to research her books. They all take place in Baltimore, where she lives. They all revolve around some...