Self-Published Book Gets Movie Deal ... Without an Agent
This is an eye-opening article about a writer who could not get his book published and ended up with a movie deal. Not a single agent was interested in D. Eric Maikranz' debut novel about a young man who is haunted by the total recall of two past lives and then stumbles upon an ancient secret society of other people just like him. So, he self-published his book. But there was a twist. On the first page, he encouraged his readers to help by offering a cash reward to anyone who would introduce his novel to a Hollywood producer. And it worked! Under normal circumstances, I would raise a skeptical eyebrow about this strategy. But, I know from experience that fans will do more for your book than agents or publishers. And if your fans are motivated by the same reward an agent would get, why not give them the opportunity? As a case in point, my first book was sold to Random House by a new assistant. The assistant, who had just been hired, loved my book. My agent had not been...