
Showing posts from January, 2015

Elements of Talent (Conversation with a Friend)

I was gushing about a writer I admire for his daring plays and fearlessness when the conversation veered into theories.  This was a high evening of theatre at HERE Arts Center, a macrobiotic dinner, and a blistering shock of winter wind that flowed through the West Village. On the way back to the train, I talked to a friend about traits of successful people; particularly this artists, but also artists in general. My friend just left it all at the feet of talent, but I think it's more than that. Success doesn't equal talent. There are a plenty of talented people who never go anywhere. So then I started thinking about intelligence which I would define as an adaptable, critical-thinking, problem-solving drive that's both conscious and subconscious. Intelligence balances planning and improvisation. But there are many intelligent talents who also can't put something into action. And then I thought about self-will, or the ability to actualize something. I think that forms the...

10 Writers Conferences in February 2015

Writers can get pretty wild at conferences. Don't forget your beret. If you can afford to attend a writers conference, it may very well be the best investment you will ever make. Conferences offer writers a unique opportunity to share and learn from the experiences of other writers, as well as providing a platform to pitch to agents. (Many agents will only accept clients they have met at conferences.) Workshops run the gamut at these events, from how to market your self-published books to mistakes thriller writers make about firearms. You are guaranteed to emerge from a conference with not only more knowledge, but more confidence. Because there are so many writers' organizations - regional, national and international - you should not have a problem finding a conference within reach. These are exciting, hugely invigorating events, and I would encourage every writer to attend one. Related posts : Schmooze or You Lose Valuable Tips for Pitching to an Agent or Editor ______________...

Mega-List of Fantasy and Sci-fi Reviewers Accepting Self-Published Authors

From Worth 1000 website Updated 12/29/21 Below is a list of online book reviewers who accept self-published work in speculative fiction (scifi, fantasy, horror, paranormal). I've gleaned these reviewers from Book Blogs, SFF websites, and various blogrolls, and have verified that they are happy to accept requests from Indie writers. Do please read their review requirements carefully. Each reviewer has his or her unique preferences, and you need to respect them. (For example, if the reviewer asks to be queried first, don't send your book.) As with all websites and blogs, policies can change, and blogs, themselves, come and go like the wind. I have indicated which blogs are closed or are on hiatus. Related posts : How to Get Reviews for Your Self-Published Book List of Reviewers for Traditionally Published Books Top 12 Sites for Finding Reviewers Top 5 Sites for Science Fiction Writers For more reviewers see: The Indie View  has a list of over 300 reviewers Richie Billing's e...