2014: My Year in Review
2014: you were a beast. A rollercoaster. A fatherfucking, piston-pumping, adrenaline racing, agonizing, triumphant ride of glory. I do these reviews to remember, express gratitude, review what happened, what went according to plan, what was a surprise, disappointment, and how to plan/allow/flow better. JANUARY -At the top of the year, my roommate said I had to move out because his mother was moving in. This was a huge relief. I knew he was lying but I was happy to go along with it because the last few months had been excruciating, awkward. I had to sit by and watch a downward spiral in his finances, and attitude. I welcomed the opportunity to leave the apartment and immediately began looking. It would take me until the first or second week of February to find a new place, with a lot cooler people: fellow artists. - I started dating a guy who I vibed with emotionally, intellectually, and physically. The relationship would run its course for the next 6 month and end mutually when I was g...